Photo Series: It's Personal

This month, I decided to take on a classic series idea, flowers. April showers (more like May showers/tornadoes) definitely brought on the flowers. I wanted to highlight some photos I took this last month, and just talk about the project as a whole. Enjoy :)

Yellow Flowers After Rain
This project was a first in the sense it forced me to slow down. I could have tackled this series from a multitude of different ways. I could have planned out every picture with preplanned settings, angles, etc., but I decided not to go that route. Instead, every photo you will see in this series is a result of me slowing down and actually paying attention to my surroundings. I let the photos come to me as I walked around. It was therapeutic and made me feel explorative again!
Above is my favorite photo of the entire series. It isn't super complex, but I just thought it was a nice photo of some flowers after a heavy rain.

Sunny Side Flower
A thought that kept popping up in my head during this series is how much I normally let go unnoticed. When I am walking somewhere, I normally don't look around at what's going on around me. I might see some flowers and think "cool", but I never go up and actually observe the intricate details. Bringing my camera on these walks changed this. It made me appreciate the small details in a flower, the folds, how the colors fade in and out. This series helped me hone in my photographic eye.

Sunbathing Butterfly
I didn't want this series to just be flowers, I wanted to share the limelight to the hard working creatures that help flowers thrive, pollinators. We all hear about how they are essential to all plant life (and in turn all life), so let's give them appreciation.
The butterfly pictured was a real diva, I am just happy I got this photo.

Assumed Criminal
Just a guilty looking squirrel doing squirrel things.

Purple Flower
Anyways, I want to keep this short. Please enjoy the rest of the photos from the series.

Am I Early?

Ant May

Flower Party