It Isn't Made Until It's Made
This blog will hopefully serve a couple of functions: be an inspirational message to those who are sabotaging their creativity, and be an awesome reminder for when I do something to sabotage my own creativity.
I am going to be direct and straight forward with this one. If there is something you WANT to do, or create and it isn't done yet, it is on you. Sure, there could be things outside of your control that affected you, but it is still on you to do the thing you told yourself you wanted to do. This is a truth that took a while for me to come to terms with, because I am not coming at a point of righteousness where I am perfect. I am saying this because I struggle with this just about every day. I would argue with myself and give a bunch of excuses for why something isn't done, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter because what I wanted to get done or create still isn't complete. If I chose to not do something, the consequence of that choice is something not being created. Something not existing. This revelation of that responsibility of creating really struck a chord with me. I am responsible for acting on my ideas if I deem them worthy to act on it. If I do deem them worthy, and I don't act on it, I not only withhold the existence of the idea, but also to all those it had the potential to affect.

This is the thing I struggle with, the thing that keeps me from acting on my ideas. I will most likely cover more on this later on as well, but this affliction has me by the throat, especially if I am doing something I don't really do. For example, I am a wreck when it comes to video. I tell myself "My brain just isn't wired that way" and move on, but sometimes I have ideas that can only be told through video. I struggle to take action on those ideas because I am scared of failure, and I let perfectionism slow me down and or kill the project if I do decide to act on it. This is something I am actively trying to combat by doing more projects, and having a more simple mindset of "Just do it, even if it sucks." You can see this with my daily photo project on my socials. I know most of the photos aren't the greatest, but that isn't the point. The point is to just be in the routine and practice of creating, even if it does suck. To remove the identity of the quality of a project, and instead identifying with the process and allow the quality to show in the work by really connecting with it during the creation process. All in all, I am combatting perfectionism by simplifying things and just completing projects, rather than getting hung up in the small things.

Just Do It
The famous Nike slogan. I don't know about you all but I have been seeing a lot of things on social media that revolve around "just do it" or "do it tired", etc. I want to be a conduit for this message because I do believe it. If you have an idea, and or want to create something, please, just do it. Do it even if you don't feel like it. Do it tired. Do it uninspired. Do it sad. Just go do it. If you don't, you are keeping the satisfaction of creating something from yourself. The things that you create are evidence and proof of your existence. Not only that, a lot of people want to celebrate your existence, your creation, and we can't do that if it is never created in the first place.
I know this was a little out there of a blog, and if the majority of you don't get it, that is fine. If one person gets the message, and it inspires them to do something they want to do, it will have done its job. I already know it will do its job because I will need this message later on. I want to create, not to make money, not to gain fame, but because I know whatever I create CANNOT and WILL NOT exist unless I am the one that makes it. This gives me a sense of responsibility and pride. I know I am doing my best to go out there, but you need to as well. Go create.